Explore our individually sold vegan chocolate squares, combining nut butter, healthy and plant-based seeds, wrapped in raw dark chocolate.
With only 2 g of sugars per chakra from dates, these delights offer a healthy and tasty gourmet experience. Choose from flavors like Strawberry & Macadamia, Matcha & Cashew, and others.
Low in sugar and formulated with dates, they are a nutritious option, rich in vitamins, minerals and natural antioxidants. Savor excellence, sold individually for a personalized chocolate experience.
- Dimensions: 9 x 9 cm
Composition : No refined sugar. Gluten free. Vegan. Organic. 100% natural
- Peanut Butter & Smoked Salt
- Strawberry & Macadamia
- Matcha & Cashews
- Raspberry & Buckwheat
- Pistachio & Lionsmane
- Black Sesame & Chai
- Ginger & Pink Pepper
- Toasted Coconut & Turmeric
- Weight: 1 square x 20 g
- Details: No animal products.
9 x 9 cm
Beurre de Cacahuète & sel fumé
Matcha & Noix de cajou
Framboise & Sarrasin
Pistache & Lionsmane
Sésame Noir & Chai
Gingembre & Poivre rose
Noix de Coco grillée & Curcuma
Figue Salée & Amande
Fraise & Macadamia
1 carré x 20 g
Sans sucre raffiné, sans gluten, 100% végan, certifié bio. Les Chocolats Chakra sont peu sucrés, adaptés au régime céto et ont un impact minimal sur la glycémie.
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