
Assortment of 7 vegan chocolates with nut puree, available in 7 exquisite flavors in a box!

Generous squares of healthy nut puree, coated in vegan dark chocolate and infused with aromas from plants, spices, fruits and flowers. Ideal for your sugar cure: Each chakra contains only 2 g of sugar, making them not only low in sugar, but also rich in vitamins, antioxidants and precious minerals from the ground dried fruits that compose them.

1- Peanut Butter & Smoked Salt
2- Black Sesame & Chai
3- Cashews & Matcha
4- Toasted Coconut & Turmeric
5- Genmaicha (green tea and crunchy brown rice)
6- Ginger & Pink Pepper
7-Cherries & Almond

  • Dimensions: 7 sachets x 20g
  • Composition: Peanut Butter & Smoked Salt / Black Tahini & Chai / Cashews & Matcha / Toasted Coconut & Turmeric Spice Blend / Sour Cherries / Genmaicha: Roasted Rice & Green Tea / Ginger & Red Pepper.
  • Weight: Packaging: 245 g
  • Details : No refined sugar, gluten-free, 100% vegan, certified organic. Chakra Chocolates are low in sugar, suitable for the keto diet and have minimal impact on blood sugar.
  • Manufacturing : France

Beurre de cacahuète & Sel fumé / Black Tahini & Chai / Noix de cajou & Matcha / Noix de coco grillée & Mélange d'épices au curcuma / Cerises acides / Genmaicha : Riz Grillé & Thé Vert /Gingembre & Poivre Rouge.

7 carrés x 20g


Sans sucre raffiné, sans gluten, 100% végan, certifié bio. Les Chocolats Chakra sont peu sucrés, adaptés au régime céto et ont un impact minimal sur la glycémie.

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